Take Control of Your Health

The ability to get fit at home is just a few clicks away! The Endorphitness Collective program includes everything you need to live a healthy lifestyle, all from home. Trainer Haley understands that not everyone has the resources of nearby gyms/trainers and no one’s health and fitness should be limited by their location. So that is why she created a one stop shop for workouts, recipes, community and more!

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Haley Rowe June 16, 2018

Different types of adaptogens and their benefits [2018]

Adaptogens or adaptogenic substances are used in herbal medicine for the claimed stabilization of physiological processes and promotion of homeostasis. Adaptogens have been used for years by doctors to help find balance within the body. They are a group natural herbs/supplements that can help with things like anxiety, relaxation, mental clarity, energy and much more! […]

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Haley Rowe June 9, 2018

best stretching techniques for before and after exercise [2018]

It’s no secret that we need to be warming up and cooling down whenever we exercise. This is because not only is it going to prevent injury, but it is also going to help better your performance and get you closer to those goals you are striving for. There are several different techniques for “stretching” […]

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Haley Rowe May 26, 2018

The 4 most important vitamins/minerals for optimal health [2018]

In a world full of supplement companies and pharmaceuticals, lets not lose sight of what our bodies NEED. There is always going to be more powders to stir in, pills to pop and cleanses to drink, but what our bodies NEED comes down to the basics that we have been talking about for centuries…vitamins and […]

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Haley Rowe May 12, 2018

Top Tips to Restore your Gut and beat the bloat [2018]

You guys know this topic is near and dear to my heart as I have been on quite the digestion journey over the past….year. I had a million tests run, tried a million supplements, listened to a million podcasts, researched a million topics…and in the end I was told by doctors that I had IBS. […]

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Haley Rowe April 28, 2018

What is Adrenal Fatigue and How to Heal From It Naturally [2018]

It’s no secret that adrenal fatigue is in the spotlight, both online and in the tabloids . Everyone seems to be talking about their opinion on it, whether or not it is real and what we can do about it. The first thing to remember is, if this sounds like you, then I suggest you […]

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Haley Rowe April 14, 2018

Why, When, and How of Spring Cleaning [2018]

This may seem like a very interesting topic to cover on a health and fitness blog, but it can definitely uncover a few reasons you may not be feeling the best lately! Between what your shoes track in, your body removes, the dust in your vents…it can all add up to a pretty nasty concoction […]

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Haley Rowe March 31, 2018

5 Tips to Detox your Body–without juice cleanses and expensive supplements [2018]

[vc_wtr_icon circle=”off” circle_style=”1″ version=”wtrShtIcoStandard” url=”url:http%3A%2F%2F” target=”1″ type_icon=”web|fa fa-quote-left” color=”#4d4d4d” align=”none” size=”20″ float=”none” el_class=”” animate=”none” delay=”0″]     …a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances; detoxification.    [vc_wtr_icon circle=”off” circle_style=”1″ version=”wtrShtIcoStandard” url=”url:http%3A%2F%2F” target=”1″ type_icon=”web|fa fa-quote-right” color=”#4d4d4d” align=”none” size=”20″ float=”none” el_class=”” animate=”none” delay=”0″]   The air […]

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Haley Rowe March 17, 2018

What is personal development — is it important? [2018]

Live your happiest and healthiest life, your best life     [vc_wtr_icon circle=”off” circle_style=”1″ version=”wtrShtIcoStandard” url=”url:http%3A%2F%2F” target=”1″ type_icon=”web|fa fa-quote-right” color=”#91965e” align=”none” size=”20″ float=”none” el_class=”” animate=”none” delay=”0″]   It’s no secret that personal development is important for living a fulfilling and successful life and even people who are worth billions find themselves reading and learning on a […]

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Haley Rowe March 2, 2018

How to Reduce Stress–Simple Acts of Self Care [2018]

Too much work? What time is soccer practice? Whose dropping the kids off? Did you finish that paper? Did you make that doctors appointment? Stress is everywhere, no matter what. Unless we are sitting on the beach in a pool of our own money, we are going to have some kind of stressor. And too […]

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Haley Rowe February 1, 2018

Best Essential Oils to Help Relieve Anxiety [2018]

FACT OR FICTION There are A LOT of people out there who swear by using oils, and others that think it’s witchcraft (like most other natural remedies). Truth is, oils have been around for decades, and they aren’t leaving anytime soon. So it’s time to decide, FACT OR FICTION, do essential oils help relieve anxiety […]

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