Take Control of Your Health

The ability to get fit at home is just a few clicks away! The Endorphitness Collective program includes everything you need to live a healthy lifestyle, all from home. Trainer Haley understands that not everyone has the resources of nearby gyms/trainers and no one’s health and fitness should be limited by their location. So that is why she created a one stop shop for workouts, recipes, community and more!

Haley Rowe September 22, 2021

How To Do Carb Cycling for Weight Loss – Is It for You? [2021]

Carbohydrates are a hot, and controversial, topic. Do we eat them? Do we not? It is so common for women to ditch carbs when they are trying to lose weight, putting them in the “bad” category for a period of time. This is because it is so hard to limit carbs, or even track how […]

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Haley Rowe February 9, 2021

Macronutrients Explained: Easy To Follow Guide for Counting Macros [Calculator Included] [2021]

Count. Your. Macros. We have all heard this. Everyone is always talking about macro counting being the best approach to get your goals without restricting you from the foods you love. But, how do you do it? And does it really work? This is an easy to follow approach to counting macros, the flexible way […]

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Haley Rowe January 15, 2021

Why Metabolic Confusion Is Not A Sustainable Diet Approach [2021]

Here it is, the next fad diet circling the internet. And this one is even more outrageous than low carb, which is saying something. Today I am going to teach you about “metabolic confusion” and why it is not the diet choice for you. The fact that this diet has even coined a title is […]

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Haley Rowe November 6, 2020

What is the Carnivore diet? | Carnivore diet explained [2020]

Here’s the deal – it’s 2020 and we are still obsessed with physical results and what we look like. Maybe even more now than ever before. We rely on the media and “influencers” to tell us diet advice and we just copy what works for other people…even if it is at the expense of our […]

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Haley Rowe April 17, 2020

Why Fad Diets Don’t Work, For Anyone [2020]

It’s estimated that $33 billion dollars are spent on diet products every year. Every. Single. Year. You want to know why? Because the industry is constantly creating new products to “quick fix” you to being skinny, or they are finding new ways to market directly to those who are vulnerable. Which means….? The industry will […]

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Haley Rowe November 23, 2019

What is Intermittent Fasting and Are There Benefits? [2019]

It’s funny to me that over time new diet trends fade out, and then all of a sudden come back in full force. Like intermittent fasting. There are several different ways you can do fasting. There are people who fast for a certain amount of hours overnight, there are people who fast for a day […]

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Haley Rowe March 9, 2019

5 Reasons Celery Juice Isn’t Just A Fad [2019]

It seems like every week there is something new on the market that everyone is doing. Right now, it’s drinking celery juice. Maybe you have seen it blowing up Instagram or Facebook, but it seems everyone and their mother is juicing celery on a daily basis…and I am one of them. I first started drinking […]

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Haley Rowe January 25, 2018

Whole30 Rules: 30 Day Elimination Diet Guide [2018]

Whole30 elimination diet is a 30 day diet that eliminates the inflammatory/addictive/fake foods from your diet and determines what foods may be problematic for you. It is also followed by those who are looking to rid their diet of processed foods and start to really eat whole, nutritious foods. The whole 30 rules can be […]

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Haley Rowe January 4, 2018

How to Rid Your Diet of Animal Products–The Vegan Diet [2018]

“Vegetarian” is a very popular type of diet, consisting of everything BUT meat. Vegans, in addition to being vegetarians, do not consume ANY animal products including eggs, dairy and even their cosmetics. If you are an animal lover, or just want to limit animal products, here is how to follow a vegan diet! Why People […]

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Haley Rowe December 14, 2017

The How-to Guide for Mastering the Paleo Diet [2017]

All the way back to literally “so easy a caveman could do it.”   The paleo diet is focused on eating whole foods, as much as you want, that will nourish your body. Whole foods meaning anything a caveman could eat, you can eat. Here is your how-to guide for mastering the paleo diet (or […]

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