Pregnancy Safe Supplements – A Comprehensive List


Pregnancy can be both an exciting time, and an anxious time.

So many things to be excited about yet there are so many rules as to what you can and can’t take, eat, use, do etc.

People love to take supplements in their everyday life. Something for energy, sleep, recovery, gut health, brain health…you name it, there is a supplement for it.

And pregnancy really is not different. In fact, women may want to take even more supplements because you want to be as healthy as we can be for both yourself, and for your growing baby.

Supplements are not bad, they allow you to fill gaps in your diet/lifestyle that help you feel your best.

Well, during pregnancy it can help you also fill those gaps you may be missing in your diet due to nausea or other pregnancy symptoms.

So today we are going to chat through all sorts of supplements that are safe for pregnancy and give you an easy list to look through with links to purchase.

*Remember, you do not need to take all of these. I would consult your doctor before adding anything into your current routine to make sure it is going to be beneficial for you.

Best pregnancy supplements

There are a few basic supplements that should be taken during pregnancy.

These allow you and baby to both get the nutrients you need.

The first one being a solid prenatal (which is basically a multi vitamin).

A prenatal should actually be taken 3 months prior to getting pregnant (f you are planning) and then taken through all of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Women can also take a fish oil supplement during pregnancy which can help with brain and eye development.

It can also help with length of gestation and preventing perinatal depression.

You can also add in greens supplement to get in your veggies during pregnancy if you struggle with eating them, but it isn’t something that is 100% necessary.

A prenatal and fish oil are the best, most basic supplements to take during pregnancy.

Best Supplements for Pregnancy

Let’s make a list of the best prenatal supplements for pregnancy.

These are going to be a mix of capsules, gummies, price points etc.

Ritual Essential Prenatal Multivitamin

• 2 capsules daily

• $30-$40 per 30 servings

TwentyTwo Nutrition Prenatal Vitamin

• 4 capsules daily

• $40-$50 per 30 servings

Care/Of Vitamin pack

• A pack per day

• $40-$50 per 30 servings

• This company makes you a specific pack of vitamins for your needs, so customizable!

Smartypants Prenatal Vitamin

• 4 gummies daily

• $25-$35 per 30 servings

• Gummies if you can’t take capsules


• 1 pack per day

• $50-$60 per 30 servings

• Made by a OB/GYN, contains a fish oil with prenatal, as well as an anti-nausea capsule. Made specific for each stage of pregnancy.

NatureMade Prenatal 

• 1 softgel daily

• $10-$20 per 90 day servings

• Best vitamin for those on a budget

All of these are great options for prenatal vitamins.

You want to make sure you consult your doctor in case you are needing more amounts of certain vitamins, which then may lead you to trying a different brand.

If you struggle getting it down due to nausea, try adding it into food or taking a gummy rather than a capsule.

Best Fish Oil Supplements for Pregnancy

Fish oil is a dietary source of omega 3’s.

All fish oil supplements are providing omega-3s, but not all omega-3 supplements are from fish oil, if that make sense.

Fish oil is a great source of both EPA and DHA which are both necessary for brain and eye development of a fetus.

Here is a list of the best fish oil supplements for pregnancy.

TwentyTwo Nutrition Fish Oil

• 2 softgels daily

• $40-$50 per 30 servings

Alani Nu Fish Oil

• 2 softgels daily

• $15-$20 per 30 servings

Orgain Fish Oil

• 2 softgels daily

• $20-$30 per 45 servings

Legion Athletics Triton Fish Oil

• 4 softgels daily

• $35-$45 per 30 servings

All different price points. Just make sure the fish oil is coming from a good source.

Some prenatals do have omega-3’s in them, so check ingredients because you do not need to be taking multiple doses.

Best Omega 3 Supplement for Pregnancy

If you are wanting omega-3s that isn’t necessarily from fish oil, you can get these supplements as well.

These omega-3s come from different sources other than just fish.

Those that are vegan or have a fish allergy can instead take these omega-3 supplements instead of fish oil.

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega

• 2 softgels daily

• $50-$60 per 90 servings

Nordic Naturals Algae Omega

• 2 softgels daily

• $40-$50 per 30 servings

Future Kind + Vegan Omega-3 Supplement

• 1 softgel daily

• $30-$40 per 30 servings

These are still a great source of omega-3s. The amount of DHA and EPA in these servings are much smaller than that of fish oil.

But if this is your only option, it is still better than nothing!

Best Collagen Supplement for Pregnancy

Collagen is a very popular supplement for skin health, hair growth, nail strength and joint health.

Collagen could also help prevent stretch marks. This is not certain, but it could.

While it is a great supplement, you of course want to consult your doctor before starting something new.

I also want to note that collagen is not a complete protein and should be be counted as protein within your diet.

Here are some great collagen supplements for pregnancy:

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides

• 1 serving – 2 scoops

• $20-$30 for 14 servings

Needed: Collagen Protein

• 1 serving – 1 scoop powder

• $50-$60 for 30 day supply

Garden of Life Collagen Peptides

• 1 serving – 1 scoop

• $20-$30 per 14 servings

All of these are great grass-fed options. While they aren’t cheap, you have to remember that you get what you pay for.

If you want quality products, you have to be willing to pay the price.

Best Over the Counter Iron Supplements for Pregnancy/Best Iron Supplements for Pregnancy

Pregnancy requires a lot more blood than the average person.

The increase in blood volume also increases the need for iron as well.

The body uses iron to make more blood to supply oxygen to the baby, and if your iron stores are too low to create more blood you can become anemic.

That is likely when a doctor will prescribe an iron supplement for you.

Do not add iron to your daily supplements unless you are told to do so by your doctor.

Here are the best iron supplements to take during pregnancy:

Pure Encapsulations OptiFerin-C

• 1 capsule daily

• $15-$20 for 60 day supply

Thorne Iron Bisglycinate

• 1 capsule daily

• $15-$20 for 60 day supply

Now Iron Supplement

• 1 capsule daily

• $5-$10 for 120 day supply

MegaFood Blood Builder

• 2 tablets per day

• $25-$20 fo 36 servings

There is not one supplement that is better than another.

The difference is price range, vegan or not, dosage amount etc.

Again, not all pregnant women need an iron supplement.

But if you find yourself extra tired and run down, make sure you have your doctor test your iron levels.

Best Time to Take Iron Supplements During Pregnancy

The average amount of iron pregnant women need is usually found in prenatal vitamins.

If iron levels are still low even with this dosage, then it may be recommended by your doctor to increase your dosage.

Many women need an increased dosage of iron after 12 weeks gestation because that is when iron demands increase.

This is because the fetus does the most growing and developing during the second trimester.

Iron is also important in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy because this is when the baby is starting to build their own iron stores to last them the first 6 months until they start eating solids.

If you are taking an iron supplement, you want to take it 1-2 hours before your meals.

It can cause an upset stomach, if that occurs then take your iron with a small amount of food.

Once you take your iron supplement for pregnancy, make sure you don’t take an antacids or drink milk/caffeine within two hours of taking it.

This can cause it not to absorb by the body properly.

Best Magnesium Supplements for Pregnancy

Magnesium is important during pregnancy to help reduce fetal growth restriction and  preeclampsia.

Magnesium is found in most prenatal vitamins, but additional supplementation may be necessary.

It is also a  great natural supplement for helping with sleep and bowel movements.

Here are the best magnesium supplements for pregnancy:

Calm Magnesium Powder

• Several flavor options – dissolve it in water

• $25-$35 for 113 servings

1st Phorm Magnesium Powder

• Several flavor options – dissolve it in water

• $40-$50 for 30 servings

Mary Ruths Magnesium Calm Gummies

• Gummy instead of powder, 1 gummy daily

• $20-$30 for a 6o day supply

Magnesium is best taken at night to help with sleep, but it can be taken at any time.

It is important now to take too much magnesium because it can cause low muscle tone in the fetus.

So make sure you consult with your doctor before supplementing, and only take the recommended dosage.

Best Supplements to Take During Pregnancy

Like I said at the beginning of this, many pregnant mamas want to do everything they can for their little ones, and rightfully so.

This usually means eating well, exercising, and eating/taking whatever they can to help with brain development, growth and overall health.

There is some research out there that supports a few other supplements you can take during pregnancy.

I said it before and I will say it again, make sure you consult with your doctor before taking any extra supplements or eating certain foods.

Here are a few more supplements you can take during pregnancy:

Vitamin D

• The fetus relies on the moms vitamin D source so it is incredibly important to make sure your levels are normal. Most people are deficient in vitamin D, so with a fetus also using the source a supplement may be necessary.

Beef Liver

• Liver during pregnancy is incredibly beneficial because it is high in so many vitamins and minerals. It helps with proper fetal development as well as maternal adaptations. It can also help with postpartum as well.

I am sure there are a lot more supplements being taken and talked about for pregnant moms, but these are the two most common additions.

You want to try to eat a wide variety of foods during pregnancy that can help you get the vitamins and minerals needed, but supplementation can also be necessary.

Best Pregnancy Supplements Reviews

There are reviews all over the internet for products.

The best review is going to be from your OB/GYN or fellow moms in your life. They are going to have the best insight on supplements to take, and especially supplements that you may need.

If you are looking for specific reviews on products, amazon is a great place to start.

I hope this blog helps you find the best supplements for pregnancy. I know it can be a confusing and trying time, so if you are ever unsure, talk to your doctor.

If you are already planning ahead to postpartum, I have a postpartum workout plan that is right up your alley!

It is 24 weeks of workouts to help you get your core and pelvic floor strength back as well as build your fitness level.

If you’re interested, here is the link to the postpartum workout plan.

Haley Rowe October 28, 2022