If you’ve been around for more than just 2 minutes, you know that my philosophy on health and fitness has nothing to do with quick fixes or fast results.
I believe in slowly changing lifestyle habits so that in the long run, you become the healthiest version of yourself.
It takes time, it takes effort and it takes a lot of discipline, but that is what makes it all worth while!
The time is going to pass whether you are working to make yourself better everyday, or you’re just going with the flow and letting each day pass you by.
When it comes to health and fitness, I have found that most people just don’t know where to start, and they definitely don’t know how to make it a long term habit.
This is why after a year of trial and error, I have created the Endorphitness Accelerator!
A 6 week fitness challenge that is going to teach you the basics of health and fitness, and set you up with the tools you need to create lifelong habits!
Table of Contents
This challenge is not a quick fix program to see how much weight you can lose in 6 weeks. It is not a simple program that you want to complete on your own, and it definitely shouldn’t be done with a mindset of just getting through six weeks to go back to old habits after.
This challenge is great for anyone who is just starting out, or someone who needs a fresh start!
It’s a program for accountability so that you have no excuses, and the drive to keep you going is there. It involves community so that each day you can check in with others who are on a similar journey to a healthy lifestyle.
The workouts are challenging, but not so tough you want to quit. And the nutrition template takes all the guessing out of eating healthy and measuring portions!
There are 5 workouts per week in this 6 week challenge, that’s 30 workouts…for $3.30 a workout (if you were only getting workouts)! Workouts change from week to week so you never get bored.
The workouts in this challenge are designed to burn body fat using a mixture of strength training and HIIT. With the length being 20-30 minutes a day there are no excuses like “I don’t have time.”
I wanted the workouts to be short enough that beginners weren’t totally overwhelmed, and anyone with a busy schedule could hop on board. Each workout has modifications so they are tailored to where you are in your fitness journey, not to mention half the videos are full length “press play” and sweat, and the other half are video clips to show you the movement and workout blasting your favorite music!
Nutrition is the number one thing I get questions about. People aren’t sure what to eat, people aren’t sure how much to eat, or when to eat. I can give you all the general guidelines in the world, but until you start to actually put specific practices to work, you will continue to crash diet.
This template lays it all out for you in a cookie cutter format. All you have to do is use the template that corresponds to your body weight and all the guessing gets put aside. I have created specific lists of food to eat, and the amount for each meal. It breaks it down into the building blocks of any meal…carbohydrates, fat, protein and vegetables!
The template may seem like a crash diet, or a quick fix..but it is meant to take out all the creativity and leave you with the basics; so that once you have created a foundation of the basics you can start to play with it a little more in terms of flavors and combinations. Before you can moderate the things that are triggers for you (sweets, breads, crackers etc) we need to remove them. That way you can see exactly what each food breaks down into, and show you exactly how you can feel when you are eating a diet rich in whole foods!
The template is also going to show you how much food you should eat in combination with a workout routine to lose weight and uncover those muscles,,aka, get “toned” as people like to call it! The template should only be used for up to 8 weeks at a time, before increasing your intake a bit to give your body a break from the stress caused by eating in a deficit. I recommend taking at least 4 weeks off in-between deficits to allow your body to regroup and balance out so you do not over stress and cause hormone imbalances in the long run.
Accountability is a key piece of the puzzle for many things. I want recently talking to my family about wanting to learn how to play my guitar, but I can’t get myself to actually open youtube and watch videos. But I know if I got myself some guitar lessons I would learn. Why? The accountability of someone else counting on me and showing up for me. I know the same goes for a fitness routine.
Accountability for the accelerator is going to happen in a few different ways.
〉Facebook group where everyone can post ways to get connected – sweaty selfies, recipes, food plates, encouragement, struggles, EVERYTHING!
〉Daily challenges and weekly challenges in the group to keep you engaged!
〉Weekly emails with me to touch base and talk through the previous week.
〉A point system that allows you to work towards weekly prizes and giveaways!
No one has ever been successful alone. The president has the cabinet. Apple has a team of over 47,000 employees. Football has 11 men on the field for a reason. Success comes with a great team, and a community you can count on! Most new years resolutions only last a few weeks when they are started alone; usually because the newness diminishes and we get unmotivated.
The purpose of the community aspect is so that you are doing the SAME thing along side other women, all reaching for the same goal…a healthier lifestyle. There is something internally motivating about others doing the same workout, and the same challenge. An unwritten rule if someone else has time to do it, you likely do to! It adds a little competition to things and gives you a kick in the rear when you are feeling like you want to give up!
There is a grand prize winner of $200! This prize goes to the challenger that has the biggest mental and emotional transformation. This challenge isn’t about how fast you can lose the most weight. It’s about who is engaged, who is sharing, who is motivating, who do I think has made the biggest lifestyle change and is going to stick with it. That is who the winner is!
If you’re ready to join this amazing group of women as we become the healthiest version of ourselves, sign up here!