Advanced High Intensity Interval Training Workout At Home [HIIT in 20 minutes]


We are bringing this “intensity levels, at-home, no equipment” workout category to a close with this advanced HIIT workout!

I will still continue to post workouts each week, all from home (or anywhere), but they will just be changing continuously!

This final workout in the ADVANCED phase is the HIIT workout! 20 minutes and you will be done-zo.

Check out my blog here for the benefits of HIIT training!

Definitely only need your bodyweight for this workout.

We are doing what is called an EMOM, every minute on the minute!

That means at the top of every minute you will do the exercises and reps given, as fast as you can, and then you rest until the top of the next minute rolls around to go again.

This means it will take the FULL 20 minutes (with rest depending on how quick you are).

Make sure when you are doing these exercises you are thinking about your form.

It becomes a bad habit when you are only thinking about getting the reps done and not thinking about doing the movements correctly, and that is when injuries occur.

Make sure you are moving quickly, but always thinking about proper engagement and form first.

Now, lets kick todays butt with an advanced HIIT workout!

At home HIIT workout–Advanced level

2 Separate 10 minute EMOM:


6 burpee tuck jumps

3 full pushups


20 squat jacks

5 plank walk with snap jump

High intensity interval training at home

Exercise modifications and explanations

Burpee tuck jumps

A very advanced version of the burpee, so prepare yourself!

Form: Just like a normal burpee (hands to the floor [shoulders over wrists], jump feet back into a high plank, jump feet in) and when you jump up, jump and bring your knees up towards your chest for a tuck jump! Again, very advanced! Try to get those knees up as high as you can! Make sure when you are doing in your plank that your core is engaged and you are snapping those knees up and driving through your hips and legs to get power for the tuck jump.

Modification:Making things easier just means taking out the tuck jump, or taking out all the jumps! Meaning stepping back into the burpee and stepping back in rather than jumping.

Full pushups

A lot of us get “stuck” at one point in our pushup which is why we tend to turn around and push back up after we lower ourselves to that point. These are meant to get us to push up THROUGH that sticking point! Working only 2 inches of the movement is not going to benefit us, we want to push ourselves through the hard part and make sure we are strong through the entire range of motion.

Form: In a pushup position, wrists under shoulders with a tight core and flat back; drop down to a pushup and lay yourself onto the floor. Keeping everything tight, push yourself back up to your hands. You want to try and push yourself up all at once rather than your chest and then your hips!! If you are lifting with your chest first and then your hips, that is a tell tale sign that you have poor core engagement.

Modification:Modification here is just doing them from your knees! You still want to try and lay yourself all the way down to the floor, though.

Squat jacks

Adding two things I love…legs and plyometrics!

Form: This is going to be just like it sounds…jumping jacks with a squat! So when you jump your feet out, come down into a squat with your arms out and then jump back in to finish your jack! Make sure for this interval training at home you are driving your hips back and your knees out. You want your glutes to be doing all the work!

Modification: You can either take out the jump and just step out into your jack, or you can keep the jump and take the squat out! I suggest giving it a try at least, first!

Plank walk with snap jump

Continuing to twist exercises around for that overall body work and max muscle recruitment!

Form: Back into that lovely high plank position; walk right hand and right foot to the side, then left hand and left foot the same direction, jump feet up towards hands, back out into plank and then walk the other direction! Almost like a side step, jump in/out and then side step again!

Modification: An easier way of doing this is just taking the jump out of it and tapping one foot up towards chest at a time (like a slow mountain climber), keeping the side step! If that is too difficult, just come down to your knees and walk only your hands side to side!

Workout warm up and cool down

Warm up, cool down, burn burn burn! Well, if that doesn’t prove to you that I wasn’t a cheerleader in high school, then I don’t know what is. hahaha!

But, you all know the importance of warming up and cooling down by now; so lets talk foam rolling!!

The best time to foam roll is after your workout!

That way your muscles are warm so they will easily lengthen and help to decrease muscle soreness!

DO NOT FOAM ROLL BEFORE YOUR WORKOUT as there are no significant benefits to it, and it does not actually warm the muscles up either!

Foam rolling can:

• Help with muscle soreness

• Prevent injury

• Break down scar tissue

• Improve flexibility and mobility

Again, I would use it as a cool down, not a warm up..but there is conflicting research behind this! Muscle groups I focus on include:

• Hamstrings

• Glutes

• IT Band

• Lats

For a HIIT workout at home, you want to make sure you are warming up your entire body, so any kind of full body dynamic movement like walk-outs, jumping jacks, lunges with a twist, spider pushups, overhead squats etc! Warm up that body so you can perform at your best!


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