20 Minute At Home Workout – Full Body Circuit


Are you ready to get sweaty?! This at home workout is easily done from home with just a few pieces of equipment. So lace up your shoes, turn on your workout playlist and let’s get ready to release those endorphins! All the information you’ll need for the workout is below, so read through it, and then press play on your real time workout video. Meaning, you press play and sweat along with me the entire time!

Equipment You’ll Need

For this workout you are going to:

• A band (like the one shown below)

• A set of dumbbells (or anything that resembles them like soup cans, jugs of water, laundry detergent etc)

You don’t need a large area to get this workout in, just a small space is plenty. An office, a garage, the space at the foot of your bed…whatever works for you! If you need a band like the one I use in the video, just head to the link below.

Duration of Workout

This workout is 20 minutes exactly in length! At the beginning you will see my break down and explain every movement so you know what to expect and then we will start the workout together.

This workout is a timed circuit. This means there will be :40 seconds of work, followed by :20 seconds of rest. This means each exercise (including the rest) is 1 minute. There are 5 different exercises, and 4 rounds which comes out to a 20 minute sweat session.

Be sure to focus on form and give it your all for those :40 seconds, because then you :20 seconds to recover and prepare. I love this workouts because you don’t have to think about counting or keeping up with me. You just have to think about your form and moving fro :40 seconds before we all rest together.

Fitness Level

You don’t have to be an advanced athlete to be able to do these videos, but if you are more of a seasoned exerciser (yes, that is a word now in my dictionary) then you will still be challenged by this workout.

Beginners – there are modifications given for all exercises so you can fit them to your current situation and skill level. If you have never done a workout before, this is a great place to start. Make sure you pay attention to the cues, and you can read more about them later in the blog.

Advanced – each exercise in this workout is going to be as hard as you make it. So by upping your weights, moving quicker and really feeling the muscle engagement of each exercise is how you will get the most out of this workout.

At Home Workout

[vc_wtr_youtube url=”avOxdmS43nk” size=”960-720″ width=”480″ height=”360″ resolution=”hd720″ align=”center” theme=”dark” color=”c_red” el_class=”” autoplay=”1″ controls=”1″ showinfo=”1″ rel=”1″]

Exercises and Modifications

Let’s breakdown each of the movements in the video so you know what to expect before you see them. This will also allow you to modify them to make them easier, or harder, depending on your fitness level.

X Jumps:

This exercise is meant for heart rate conditioning. This means you should be working hard enough, and quick enough, to get your heart rate to rise. Take note, you do not want to be breaking form for speed, be smart and move at a speed that is still safe for you.

Form:  To start this exercise – start in an X position. Which means hands above your head and legs out wide. You are then going to jump up, and then squat down touching opposite hand to opposite foot. Make sure you keep your chest up and drop your hips when you touch your foot, so you are then using your legs instead of your back when reaching.

Modifications:  To make the movement harder, focus on getting deep into your squat, powering up and moving quickly. To make it easier, take out the jump. So instead just come up onto your toes, and the squat down and touch your hand to your foot and repeat.

Band squat with overhead press:

This exercise is a full body movement, using a lot of muscle groups so be sure to take your time and do it correctly. You also want to make sure you feel safe standing in your band. If you do not, take note of the modifications.

Form: Grab your band and step on it, with your feet just outside shoulder width in squat position. Pull the bend up and bring your elbows through so you are holding your band up at your chest, and the band rests on the outside of your arms while your elbows are in the front rack position. You are then going to squat down, and then stand and overhead press your band. Making sure you keep your core tight and don’t arch your back – keeping control of the band both up and down.

Modifications: To make this movement harder, use a higher resistance band. To make it easier, you can use a lighter band. or simply just hold the band in your hands as you squat and then press (making sure you pull apart on the band to add resistance as you press overhead).

Fence hoppers:

Another heart rate conditioning exercise. Make sure you are again, focusing on form, and able to really control the movement. If you are not comfortable with jumping, do an alternate modifications.

Form: The best place to start here is pretending there is a fence next to you, and your goal is to jump laterally (side ways) over that fence. Make sure you are getting your knees up (and using your core to do so) and also landing softly, with a bent knee. You want to absorb that landing as much as you can by staying on the ball of your foot as well.

Modifications: To make it harder, work to jump higher or work quicker – you can even put something next to you to specifically jump over. To make it easier, take out the jump and act as though you are stepping over something tall.

RDL to upright now:

This is an exercise that is going to work the muscles and work them hard. The key here is choosing the right weight so that your form is not compromised.

Form:  Grab your dumbbells and start with your feet shoulder width apart. Shift the weight to your heels as you reach the dumbbells towards your feet, keeping a flat back form your hips to your head and reaching your hips back as if to touch a wall behind you. Then stand back up, and and slide your dumbbells up the front of your body, pulling the elbows up high and away from you, and then back to the starting position of your dumbbells at your hips. Make sure you keep your core tight through the RDL portion of the movement so that you do not injure your back.

Modifications: The only modifications here are using lighter dumbbells to make it easier (or just holding 1 with 2 hands). To make things harder you can slow down the tempo of the RDL so that you have a 3 second lower to the bottom, or you can use heavier weights.

Alternating lunge with pass through:

This is a complex movement, so I will break down how you can do it, but also share with you the scaled/modified version!

Form: Grab 1 dumbbell and place it in your right hand, then you are going to step forward with your left foot to perform a lunge. This means stepping out, dropping down to touch the right knee to the floor and standing back up. You want to keep your chest up, core tight, and drive through the heel of your left foot (or front foot). With the dumbbell, you are going to reach it through your leg when you are in your lunge, and grab it with your left hand and then stand. Then you will alternate sides, stepping out with the right, and passing the dumbbell under your leg and then standing back up.

Modification: To make this harder, use a heavier dumbbell and make sure you are working through the entire range of motion. To make it easier, you can skip the pass through and just do regular alternating lunges (with dumbbells at your sides or without).

Warm up and Cool Down

Make sure you are getting a proper warm up and cool down in with every workout. This doesn’t have to be 15 minutes long, it can just be simple movements to prime the body, and then simple stretches to decrease soreness and increase range of motion.

This is a great video that you can do before any type of workout, and will take you 5 minutes!

And here is a great cool down/stretching video you can do that will increase your range of motion and mobility so you can move better, and feel better. I know mobility sounds like something “extra” you should do, but really it is more of a have to do. It will make certain things easier for you like squatting down and reaching over your head. Not to mention good mobility is going to lead to easier aging!

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